natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l.
natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l works for the protection of biodiversity in a diverse natural and cultural landscape through public relations, advisory, practical, scientific and political work at local, national and international level. natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l today has around 11,000 members, divided into member organisations, as well as 40 partner associations.
The merger into natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l.
The merger into natur&ëmwelt a.s.b.l. was decided on 13 July 2012, in the extraordinary general assembly of Haus vun der Natur a.s.b.l., NATURA a.s.b.l. and Lëtzebuerger Natur a Vulleschutzliga a.s.b.l.. This merger represented the final step in the reorganisation of the nature conservation organisation.